Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dining fit for a monster...

My husband and I have a creature, a monster.  To an external observer, the appropriate term may be dog or loyal companion; to the experienced eye of anyone who has ever met our charming Andy, she is no ordinary dog - but a monster on every level. 
The clever Mr. Webster's definition:
     monster (noun) : \ˈmän(t)-stər\
        a: an animal or plant of abnormal form or structure;
        b: one who deviates from normal or acceptable behavior
Yes, our Andy is a monster.  She is, in fact, an animal much too small for her size and breed, her health complications are numerous.  We lovingly call her our undersized lab.  Physically, she is abnormal.  Behaviorally, she certainly deviates from normal.  She is far too intelligent for her scientific classification and her personality is, well, flawed.  But, at times, she is gentle, loyal, and utterly lovable.  She is our chocolate monster {a monster on every level, but still sweet enough to crave}.  In all sincerity, if Marley had a sequel, it would be Andy.   
Because our Andy is just charming enough to deserve splendor and functionality, every now and then I stumble across {or scour for} a dog accessory or two she cannot live without, and I cannot help but share.
Design Sponge recently featured an adorable 'Do It Yourself' project, the Vintage Elevated Dog Feeder, where Julia Cluster Norris shares her creativity with great instructions. 
Believe me; the moment I get my hands on a jig saw, Andy will get her paws on her own vintage elevated dog feeder. 
Not the do it yourself type?  Visit Julia Cluster Norris' Etsy store and purchase one of these finished versions:
Stay tuned for occasional posts full of pet lover's products, toys, treats, and dog accessories of all kinds - or dog garnish, as I like to say.