Monday, August 30, 2010

Fundamentals and flirtations...

Ah, post-vacation blues.  The deep blue of this gorgeous dining room {from the portfolio of Hans Blomquist} is subtly reminiscent of the Aegean blue that somehow wondered into the fresh lake nestled in the mountains of northern Utah where I spent my weekend frolicking and gathering freckles in the sun.   
Speaking of blues, if you have a yearning for the rest of the visible spectrum, visit my guest tutorial at Housewife Bliss today {the photograph above is just a hint of the gorgeous visuals}.  The post is a combination of color fundamentals {including the many types of color schemes} and flirtations {teaming with ideas of how to incorporate color into your interior}.  I even polished my Photoshop skills just for the lovely Housewife Bliss readers.  Go ahead, take a gander...