Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pitter patter, pitter patter...

If you know me {or have been to my humble home}, you know I adore Kaypee Soh of Somace.  His artwork is divine.  His partner {Ed Macey} is lovely.  His designer {Isla Schmidt} is charming.  Even his dogs are adorable.  The entire team at Somace is basically perfection.
Isla was kind enough to 'Handpick' this gorgeous artwork {Diamond Head} by Kaypee Soh.  This piece makes my heart go pitter patter, pitter patter.
Enjoy this glimpse of my recent words at EcoSalon {take a look, maybe even leave a comment or rate my words}.
Handpicked: Somace {Somace + Isla Schmidt = Nostalgia}
The Essential Manifesto {Lula Aldunate + Vintage = Gorgeous}
Twenty/Twenty Vision {Eye Exam Charts + Typography = Pure Allure}
Stolen Salt-Soaked Pine {Robin Luciano Beaty + A Barn = Stunning}