Friday, October 1, 2010

Another Autumn week...

It's official.  Golden tones and amber hues are drifting from the trees {and floating into in my yard}.  Ah, Autumn.  These ruffles of yarn laced together {the Leonora Scarf} should help insulate against the crisp Pacific Northwest mornings.
Enjoy this glimpse of my recent words at EcoSalon {take a look, maybe even leave a comment or rate my words}.  Indulge in the gorgeous aesthetics of mathematics with this collection of graphic and bold numerical morselsTour a gorgeous modern model home with a fireplace to die for.  Sink your toes into this interior boasting floors of sand {yes, sand}.  Plunge into my thoughts on green design and peruse a new online magazine.    Explore a mid-century modern muse.  Devour these cardboard sculptures to hang on your wall and suspend from your ceiling.  Admire this lovely and creative studio.  Let your eyes examine these graphic eye charts on an array of commodities.  I know, I know...a lot to read...but oh so worth it.